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Topic : Re: How do you write a political debate in a story? I've recently started writing, but hit a wall during a certain scene. In the story, the characters have an open debate on discrimination in -

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If you want to write a debate, it's the same as writing a gamble, or a fight, or any other human vs human conflict. Focus not on the arguments, but on the characters trying to get a read on each other, get inside of each other's heads, and ultimately come up with some twist strategy to, since it's a political debate for legislation, ultimately win the people over.

If you're on one side of this debate, find somebody in either real-life or media to give you arguments. You could read Mein Kampf or any pseudo-science written in the American South to justify racism and slavery if you want real-life examples, as long as you don't use them too ham-fistedly, and probably have, if not a particularly deep debate then at least an entertaining one.

Since I know nothing about your story, I will put this on at the end: don't make your discriminated class be significantly different than the ruling class. Detroit: Become Human, for example, messed this up by making their discriminated class look exactly like the ruling class, as well as giving them enhanced abilities, an entirely different thinking process, and telepathy to other androids, so it would make sense to discriminate against them.

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