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Topic : Re: How to make your paragraphs flow from paragraph to paragraph I am writing a fictional novel. I have just begun and had my daughter read what I had written up until now, her reply was it -

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From Open Polytechnic:

Connect words, sentences and paragraphs.
Show the relationship between ideas.
Indicate the order of things and their relative importance.
Indicate when something new is coming.
Signal to readers how an idea fits in and where it's going.
Introduce a summary or a conclusion.

I would add that you should seek out many opinions and specific advice from people to illustrate in what ways your writing is not flowing, and their specific suggestions on how to fix it. From the information you've currently provided, it's virtually impossible to tell you why your writing doesn't flow, so I would recommend adding an example from your own writing if you're comfortable with that.

Finally, the best way to improve any aspect of your writing is to read others' writing, so find a book or author whose prose flows nicely in your opinion, and try employing similar strategies in your own writing. Practice makes perfect!

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