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Topic : Re: How to make your paragraphs flow from paragraph to paragraph I am writing a fictional novel. I have just begun and had my daughter read what I had written up until now, her reply was it -

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I read mine aloud; the eye can be fooled more easily. Find a quiet moment and read your piece. The flaws and roughness will become apparent and you move in, add a few words and move on.

Read it again, if it flows now you can enjoy the feeling and move on.

I am a discovery writer and my work began with a deep knowledge of three people. I began writing and those people kept meeting others and doing things. I have nearly 300k words.

I jump to other scenes, different locations and different people, but all are connected to one of the earlier characters. Some seek his help, others wish to help him, still others hunt him.

Understand your characters and where you think the story will go. Chances are, it will take a left turn that surprises you. If you know your characters, what they mean to each other - even if these details never make it into your work, they will shape it.

What I know about my people colours how I write each scene. Even though it might appear disjointed, all is connected and it flows.

When I am unsure, I read the passage aloud and the problem leaps up and announces itself. I either delete a few words or add a phrase - whichever it calls for.

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