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Topic : Re: Is there a typical structure for non-fiction popular science books? If so, what is it? Is there an accepted or suggested structure for writing non-fiction (specifically, popular science) books? -

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There's no one structure for popular non-fiction, but many. One structure that has been successful for many science books is to structure it around a narrative history of the field. This is a hybrid form combining biographical details of the main figures in the field, interviews with them, if they are alive, AND the technical details of their research or findings.

You'll want to stick strictly to verified fact, but still edit and select material and incidents in order to create a compelling storyline, much the same as you would do in fiction. A strong narrative of this kind will include ups and downs, tension and surprises, conflict and all the other treats of fiction, but as drawn from real life.

Chaos by James Gleick is a great example of a bestselling science book with this approach.

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