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Topic : Re: Outsourcing people to make a cover I need some very specific art for my book cover and will probably not be able to find a generic one on a website, so do I hire someone for it and what's -

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There are sites where artists who do book covers list themselves as looking for work. And there are individual websites or social media for various artists. Look around and find someone you like, or at least get a sense of the style you're looking for. No artist can duplicate every style, though some are better at it than others. Your ideal is an artist whose usual style is the one you want.

The going rate for a book cover, with full art (pencils, ink, colors, lettering), is in the 0-200 US range, though an individual artist may charge more or less for this. It is a per page rate, not an hourly rate.

Do not skimp! A good cover is worth every penny because that is what potential readers will see, whether it is a printed copy in a store (or at your table in a sales room) or the graphic at Amazon or another online site.

Always have a written contact with your artist, even if it's a friend (maybe especially if it's a friend). There are templates around. You want to spell out the artist's rights, your rights, all the financial situations, where the art can be used without paying more, and about revisions. It is typical to pay all or some upon acceptance of the finished art.

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