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Topic : Re: How to avoid info dumps in fan fiction? I was wondering what kind of advice do you have to avoid info dumps in fan fiction? Granted this can usually be avoided in fan fiction by sticking -

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One good piece of advice I got is that it is not info dumping if the information is necessary. For example, I wrote a lot of Animorphs fanfiction back in the say.

Every single book of the Animorphs series begins as of you never read the series before. So it's two and a half pages or more of the characters reminding you who they are, what they can do, and why they are fighting an alien race, etc. This is not only necessary information but it's in keeping in style with how the books are written.

Of I was writing a Pokemon fanfiction, I don't need to tell anyone what a Pokemon is, or what the pokeball does. I can write a scene where the trainer finds Nidoran and show the reader how everything works in this world.

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