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Topic : Re: Will my book have a better chance at being successful if I include more gender diversity in it? My novel so far only contains female main characters. There are some male characters, but they -

10% popularity

Strictly in the terms that you asked the question: No. Adding a token male character is unlikely to make your book more successful.

It's true that people do like to see themselves reflected in the work the read. But most people can get past that. Although there may be people who are likely to have no interest in a book with no male characters, there are also people who are likely to have greater interest in a book with no male characters. Writing is often a niche art anyway, it makes sense to target yourself towards the audience you most resonate with. Better to have a more passionate group of fans drawn from a smaller potential audience than a larger group of people who are completely "meh" about your work.

In general, I think work with more diversity is more intrinsically interesting, but there are plenty of exceptions to this rule. In particular, it's not common to see writing in an all-female context, so that could be interesting --to both male and female readers --if you make it interesting.

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