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Topic : Re: Should I start work on a sequel before I have sold my book? I finished the 1st draft of my book, and have put it in the freezer(as I asked about in this question). I was planning to start -

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I would recommend that you go ahead and write it. If you have the story line already developed or have an outline, then go ahead and start working on it. As Lauren mentioned, if the publisher decides they want a two-book deal, then you have a head start on that. In fact, you could also suggest that the book lends itself to a sequel, which is already underway.

If the traditional publishing route doesn't pan out, you can always self-publish as an e-book. One of the trends that people are noticing with e-books is that if readers like the first book, they are more likely to go looking for more books by the same author. If you have another ready to go, you can start developing a following even faster.

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