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Topic : Re: Should I start work on a sequel before I have sold my book? I finished the 1st draft of my book, and have put it in the freezer(as I asked about in this question). I was planning to start -

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Heard Dr. Jerry Pournelle talk once about how Robert Heinlein taught him and Larry Niven to write. One of the things he told them to to do was to throw away the first quarter of their manuscript and start the book where actual stuff started happening.

That is to say, if you can't sell the first book, that doesn't necessarily mean you can't sell the second. Maybe the first book was the part you had to throw away! Or at least, perhaps the salient bits can be condensed into the first chapter or a prologue.

The biggest issue in my mind is what happens if a publisher accepts the first book, but demands changes that basically make the sequel obsolete, such that you would have to start over again.

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