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Topic : Re: Can I shop an unfinished novel? I've been writing a novel that addresses some very current themes. My belief is that if I can get it out there quickly, it will succeed well. I'm working -

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Anyone can "shop" a story/novel/script at any time. The challenge is to be successful.

Unless you have a track record or a recommendation from a close friend your chances of getting in to see an agent much less an editor are probably close to surviving an asteroid hit ten feet in front of your car.

Jerzy Kosinski (award winning Polish American author) tried to get a novel published (it already was) by sending it out as if it was a NEW work. He received MANY rejection letters. That was years ago when it was easier.

Today the slush pile is bigger, the publishers trying to make money against technology, and a fickle audience.

I doubt that you will succeed at anything except becoming frustrated.

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