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Topic : Re: Too soon for a plot twist? In my story, I will have a hero begin a journey. It will be the underdog story as well as good-vs-evil story. Think Frodo vs Sauron for massive oversimplification. -

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The goal of your story is to engage the reader. Getting them invested in the MC is a good way to do that, but when the MC turns villain, readers might feel tricked or betrayed and that is something you don't want.

To avoid that, you can use a lot of foreshadowing so that the reader is "in on it" and only the MC himself is surprised by how things turn out in the end. But, of course, this takes a lot of drama out of the whole story. Drama and tension that you probably want in the story.

One thing you can do is to overlap your timelines and make the reader invested in your second MC before the twist. He could appear as a minor character at first and then grow into becoming the MC after the first one fades into the background.

This is essentially how Game of Thrones does it, just on a larger scale. They kill off MCs all the time, but there are always other characters already standing by to take the spotlight.

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