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Topic : Re: Short story vs. Novella I'm writing a short story in the same universe as my post-apocalyptic novel, about the novel's antagonist. I'm planning on turning in this piece to my teacher as a -

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The Hugo Award rules list the length limits as

Novel 40,000 words or more
Novella 40,000 - 17,500 words
Novelette 17,500 - 7,500 words
Short story 7,500 words or less

These were based on the lengths used for those terms for US magazine publication, and are a bit out-of-date. No traditional book publisher would print a 40,000 word novel these days.

Other bodies may have other definitions, but I don't think they will be all that different.

For the purposes of the question, I wouldn't worry too much. The story should be written at whatever length it works best, that the author has time to write. However since this is at least partly for academic credit, check with the instructor on any limit that s/he imposes. No point in being rejected or graded down for failing to comply with a requirement.

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