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Topic : Re: What's the distinction between "vanity publishing" and "self publishing"? This question came up on the pros and cons of publishing avenues question; when I tried to look it up, I found the results -

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I think Vanity Publishing has gotten a bad reputation because so many of the companies involved in it use really nasty business practices, up to and including outright lying. I have no personal experience, but Absolute Write has some horror stories about Publish America and, with a slight twist, Writers' Literary, which seems to call itself an agency but also includes a vanity publishing aspect in many of its apparent scams. Maybe there are some legit vanity publishers out there, people who make sure their clients understand what they're getting, but the field is definitely muddied.

So, I guess you're right, in that the services provided don't really vary between vanity presses and self-publishing. The difference is that some/many/most vanity publishers promise something more. Which makes sense, kind of. They need to justify the fees they charge somehow. So they'll say they do a lot of promotion, or that they can get books into the big distribution systems. They'll pretend the books they publish have been 'selected', when in fact they accept and print everything. They'll promise editing, and not deliver. Etc.

So, as far as I can see, vanity presses do no more than self-publishing, but they promise more, and they charge writers for the privilege of being lied to.

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