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Topic : Re: Is this ununderstandable character part of the conflict? By "ununderstandable" I mean that this character I'm thinking of isn't human. He's more of a devil sort of thing. Of course he still -

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In every conflict, you will have the protagonist and the antagonist. Antagonist does not need to be human, or sentient, or even alive in any sense. For example, in Tom Hanks movie Cast Away, the nature itself is such a non-personified antagonist.

But personified antagonist works much better for any story. In your example, "Speed", we have such a person, a villain, no less, so the audience sees the bus as just a tool. If there is anyone human-like to blame in the story, audience will see that one as antagonist. In your story, if this demon-like being is the most personified force opposing your protagonist, he will be seen as antagonist and, consequently, a part of the conflict. If, on the other hand, there is a human villain, while the demon is more like Genie from "Aladdin", then you can focus readers' attention on that human character, while keeping the demon mostly outside of the conflict.

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