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Topic : Re: Would it be believable to defy demographics in a story? My story is set in the US. Would it be believable to the reader if I deviated from the norm that is also supported by demographic -

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Demographics is statistics. Statistics never defines individual cases. No single case can 'defy' statistics.

Being beliveable is another thing though. By that we could mean 'too improbable'. But even then a single interaction doesn't say much. If you need the situation to be like this, go ahead and do it. You can even make a point of it. Say, if a character lives in Detroit and never speaks to a black person over the course of the book, that would be 'too improbable'. Yet if you write it that way, perhaps it will tell us something about that person rather than about the author's ignorance of demographics?

Anyway, in your particular examples nothing strikes me as too odd.

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