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Topic : Re: Would it be believable to defy demographics in a story? My story is set in the US. Would it be believable to the reader if I deviated from the norm that is also supported by demographic -

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The first scenario is perfectly reasonable. The young woman might be urged to wait as she is so young, but the heart wants what the heart wants. A cousin of mine recently married a woman nineteen years his junior after dating a few years. Another couple I know, the age difference is more extreme and they are likewise a perfect match.

When I was twenty a mature student proposed to me - I said no, not because of the age difference, which never troubled me, but because it was a shock that he asked and clearly I was not at a point in my life when it seemed apt.

The main objection that friends and family might have to either of those young people marrying would be will they continue their education and attain their dreams?

The mature recruit might need an impetus such as job loss to explain the late enlistment.

Middle aged men siring children is hardly news. You could use them all.

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