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Topic : Re: Given two alternative, strong endings to a novel, how to decide which one to use? I'm in the final polishing stages of a novel and I have two endings that both blow me away and I feel are -

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You may want to consider what the reader has been prepared for. What have you promised, either explicitly or not? Both endings might be strong to you, but I don’t know that a reader would be equally satisfied by both.

How can a main character betraying (as I read it) the other be as viable as a happy reunion? The story surely points one way or the other?

Are there small hints that she is allies with the bad guys, besides her disappearing? Does she come off as untrustworthy? If there aren’t, it will feel like unearned, cheap drama. (Like if Han ye-hawed in to shoot down Luke in Star Wars).

If there are hints, the happy ending may feel unsavory.

Also, at the beginning of the story, is the question of betrayal brought up? Is it a hopelessly dark story, or is there a promise of a hard fought happiness and optimism?

I think the character arcs and story must be very ambiguous for both endings to be viable. You might be too close to the story to make an unbiased assessment. I’d suggest finding a couple readers to read the first half and ask them if they want or expect a more happy or more dark ending. If they want a certain type of ending, that will be the satisying ending. If they expect one, that’s what the story is leading to.

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