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Topic : Re: How to keep a dark protagonist who wants to keep his humanity dark? My MC is in a dark line of work. He is an assassin. He is also someone with lines he does not cross. He has been duped -

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Start with an assassin, a person who kills.
Then delete everything you don't want him to be.
He is not a mad dog, a psycho or the dreaded emo guy who kills (which I will assume is a reference to Dexter). So he is not a victim of bad brain chemistry or a twisted personal psychology, yet he makes his living by ending other peoples' lives.
That leaves an enormous question hanging unanswered...

Why does he kill?

Sure, he might have taken the first few jobs for the money, but after that, with six or seven digits in the bank, there are a lot of easier careers to pursue. Yet he keeps

Find the answer to that question, and you will find out what distinguishes your dark gentleman from his murderous trope brethren.

My favorite answer to that question is that he is kind. He is a skilled murderer, with an unparalleled talent for painlessly transitioning his victims into the after life. He would be happy to quit, but he can't trust anyone else to do as good a job. He honestly cares for the quality of his victims life, right up to the moment that he reduces their quantity of remaining life to zero.

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