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Topic : Re: How to write the action of someone reading in a story? An example, please I am rather a very amateur writer, who is trying to write a thriller/fiction novel for a class, and I find myself -

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If you format the email as separate from the narration, that will take care of most of the transition between the narrator and the text of the email. Set it aside in its own paragraph and do one or more of the following: indent, italicize, change the font type, change the font size, or place in a box.
You might be thinking of the email as internal dialogue, which requires quotes and actions and so forth. But it's not. It's a separate piece of text. Make it obviously separate and your reader will completely understand what is going on, with only the briefest of lead in's.

Fred kicked off his shoes as he sat down and opened his email. He
froze as he saw it. Mark's reply.

Yadda yadda yadda.

Fred grabbed the computer and his shoes and ran out to his car.

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