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Topic : What source is this citation referencing? I want to find the source of a footnote in a book (footnote 18), but I don't understand the way sources are cited. I want to find source #18. Here -

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I want to find the source of a footnote in a book (footnote 18), but I don't understand the way sources are cited.

I want to find source #18 . Here is the Notes page:

17. AT, VI.18-19.
18. Ibid., p.20

I found out on Wikipedia that Ibid in #18 is referencing the source above (I think), but what does AT, VI.18-19. mean?

This might seem like a stupid question, but I really don't understand how this works, and I don't know how to find out--other than asking here. I've tried searching on google, but I don't even know what to search for.

If you need more info from the book let me know.


Here is the book:
Page 267

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What you are looking for is page 285, which says:

Adam, Charles and Tannery, Paul (eds), Oeuvres de Descartes, 2nd edn (Paris: Vrin, 1974-86). (This is abbreviated AT in
the endnotes.)

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