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Topic : An appropriate way to seek suicide resources (as an author) I'm doing the analysis for several characters who happen to be contemplating taking their own lives. While I'm not someone interested -

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I'm doing the analysis for several characters who happen to be contemplating taking their own lives. While I'm not someone interested in this myself, I'd like to seek resources without wasting the time of critical professionals and certainly without interfering with or exhausting people who might find themselves in this category: I am not writing a documentary, I'm writing a novel.

There are blogs, etc but are there any quintessential resources directly related to author sensitivities, language usage, and so on - without interfering with any real-life subjects? e.g., I don't want to interview someone; this is fiction, I just want to know the correct language.

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I would start with the literature produced by suicide prevention programs.

Its targeting the minds of people considering suicide and its trying to educate people of the warning signs, and how to help. This will provide you with insight into the mental frame of your characters

Then, you can access research materials produced by psychologists and social workers studying this field. You can find their work at your local university. If that isn’t convenient, then you can use google books to access past publications. I found this journal in only a few minutes searching

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