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Topic : Re: Has anyone tried "pair writing" before and been published? Most of the time when two people write a book, one person is doing the majority of the writing and the other is critiquing or helping -

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I'm pretty sure that there are successful books out there, which used this approach, even though I cannot name one.

If you are afraid of an inconsistent style, I have to say that the different approach (each one writes his chapters separately) would make it more inconsistent, not less.

Read the books from David and Leigh Eddings. Althalus, for example, is a good one. I like the book and I can tell you which passage was written by whom--no consistent style.

Best thing to do, is what every writer should do: find trustworthy test readers. Trustworthy means here, that you can trust that they tell you the truth about your work. By this definition most relatives are not trustworthy.

These test readers can tell you if the style is consistent, if the book sucks, or if you should publish it soon.

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