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Topic : Re: Is there a way to describe casting and costuming notes for a stage play? I am writing a stage play and would like to express my desires for casting and costuming of the characters. For instance, -

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Hopefully you are reading other people's scripts --they are readily available --and if you are, you'll see that it's quite common and expected for the writer to include a lot of casting and staging details that are just intended for those producing the play, not the final audience. In screenplays, which have a relatively rigid format, these descriptions are introduced when the characters are introduced, but in writing for the theater, you have some more flexibility. The traditional practice (for plays) is to compile all the character descriptions together in their own section at the beginning.

With that said, modern actors and directors tend to resent being micromanaged, and may not appreciate all your detailed notes. For that reason, you might want to keep this section as streamlined as possible. After all, that 6 foot 5 actor with red hair and an impeccable Irish accent might not be available when the play is being cast. If those details aren't essential, you might want to drop them (and if they are essential, they are probably implied in context anyway).

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