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Topic : Re: So I finished my novel. Now what do I do? A few days ago I finished the first draft of my current novel project after a few months of work, finishing at 83,212 words. Now what should I -

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Keep in mind that "rewrite 'till it's good" is just one opinion. It's also an opinion that doesn't work well for a lot of authors. I might be unpopular for saying this, but my advice for your first novel is to just fix typos, fix mistakes, and start mailing/self-publishing(at a slightly higher price than you think you should). If it's bad and get's rejected like crazy, well, what do you have to lose? You don't have a good reputation to tarnish yet. Also, do you remember the name of the author that wrote that story you read a year ago that really stunk? I don't.

Why would you want to do this? Because no amount of rewriting is going to fix a fundamentally flawed story. If your story sucks people will stop reading it and you'll have to rewrite it from scratch anyway.

Conversely, if your story is awesome people will buy it/publish it even if it's not "the best it can be" (I would argue that it probably is, but that's another topic).

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