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Topic : Re: Storyboarding Approaches for the Non-Artistic TLDR: Tips and Tricks for storyboarding a novel? For someone who can't draw well enough to do the "Draw and describe method" Hello, having read -

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First thing I just have to address "I have a great idea too long for a short story" you do realise there are lengths that fall between a typical short story and a full blown novel right? I'm a fan of the novella myself.

Do a written storyboard, storyboards are, in my experience, for getting ideas in the right order and keeping them there. Rather than try to draw your ideas, it sounds like you'd have no better luck with that that I do, write down the key scenes on different sheets of paper/card put down the main aspects of those scenes, the who, where, what and how of each scene. Then you can stack them up, see at a glance where you need to do more work and what writes itself and play with the order until you're satisfied then bind them into that order ready to work from.

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