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Topic : Re: If you are beginner when it come to writing, should you be pantser? Or plotter? I asked my friends this question, they say being a plotter is better for a beginner, then once you get good -

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As a beginner you should start with something short. Only a few characters, and one self-contained conflict. The important thing is to complete the process.

A discovery writer generally re-writes the entire story, top to bottom, in a second (and possibly third) draft, or from Amadeus's comment: "edit the entire story for multiple drafts". The main thing is to have the writing "flow".

Plotters use some kind of outline/system that gets filled-in, typically out-of-order in short bursts of creativity and editing. The workflow is more stop-start as inspiration strikes randomly. They need good organizations skills, and probably software like Scrivener that's designed to scale from outline to print-ready.

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