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Topic : Re: Building a scene and readability When building a scene at the beginning of a chapter for instance, before character interactions take place, what are the important elements to consider, and how -

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+1 Cyn.

In addition to setting the scene, be certain that as the scene unfolds the goal of the scene (shorthand for the goal of the main character) is clear.

In a good scene, there will probably be some form of conflict. Stakes should also be clear. What will it cost the character if they don't reach their goal?

At times, goals and stakes are muted, and at times as big as the great outdoors. But the characters should have some skin in the game, and at the end of a good scene, a reader walks away better for having read it. This often means readers feel the plot has advanced. Not all books/genres/categories require every scene to advance plot, but it's a good idea to be able to think in these terms so you can use the tool at will.

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