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Topic : Re: How to make travel scenes interesting without adding needless plot diversions? I have always had a problem with travel in my stories. Since I'm writing an epic fantasy novel, travel is a big -

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When writing traveling scenes, I often think of bickering couples. I like my characters to have a friendly argument about something completely silly, and take it too far, than make up. However, I also believe that every scene should contribute to the story as a whole, even something as simple as character development, if such a thing could be called simple. I sometimes add a little scene, like maybe picking up something off the side of a path, to be used in a later battle. This works well when there is tension in the scene, as if they either fully know, or at least expect to face some enemy, and they want all the help they can get.

Sometimes having your characters get hurt on the way works, but I don't suggest this. Yes, every scene should contribute something, but on different scales depending on the importance of said scene. The best way to think of it is as if you're on a long journey, nothing is happening, and nothing will happen for a while yet. What do you do? I often read, but this isn't very entertaining, unless the character learns something valuable from the text. I also sleep. Again, BORING. What next... Strike up a conversation with your partner!

As I stated earlier, I enjoy comedic arguments over trivial topics, but this may not be a good option if this scene is soon after some traumatic event, and characters are grieving, or in shock. If this is the case, I would have them try to talk to each other in a more sombre manner, respecting those they may or may not have lost, recounting fond memories, or comforting each other. I believe this covers quite a few scenarios you might need help with.

But remember, if it doesn't contribute something to the overall story, it might just be best to leave it out. But that's just my opinion! Hope this helps!

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