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Topic : Re: What's the point of writing that I know will never be used or read? Writing can be a very difficult, frustrating, stressful and effortful process. It can also be very isolating to the writer. -

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I'd like to address the premise of your question.

Writing can be a very difficult, frustrating, stressful and effortful process.

That's subjective. For some, writing is an easy, fulfilling, relaxing, and calming process. This poster in particular finds leading people to be difficult, frustrating, stressful and effortful. That's why I write novels, write software and don't lead people.

It can also be very isolating to the writer. Given that writing is a form of communication, what is the point of writing material that you're pretty sure no one else will ever read? Isn't it a complete waste of your time and effort?

Some might like the isolation and the venue that writing can give them. Maybe it helps put their thoughts in place. Maybe they write to themselves, so they can remember what they need to remember without using up their precious brain-space, like David Allen's GTD method.

Given that publishing material online is easier than ever before and that there are seven billion distinct potential readers around, someone is bound to read what one writes. So you might not get thirty thousand readers, but you might get a hundred or a dozen. There are sites for ameteur writers you can publish and get some exposure for free.

Extreme case, your machine might get hacked and the hacker reads your content. My point is, you can't "know" nobody will ever read.

The answer to the question, now that the "nobody will read" might be appropriately debunked, depends on the writer. Why do you write?

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