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Topic : Re: My scenes seem too fast I’m having issues ‘cause while I’m in the process of writing I think my style has enough length to it, but when I go back and read my work it feels extremely -

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This has been an issue for me as well. As the writer, you bring a wealth of context to each word that isn't present for the reader, unless you put it on the page. If all you're writing is dialogue, you'll end up with a script, not a book --something that will be incomplete unless some actor puts in the work to bring it to life.
With that said, the answer isn't just to add pauses or actions. That's still just more stage directions. What you need is to put your reader in the setting, and in the mindframe, and in the attitudes, and in the histories of the characters. (Along those lines, here's a a similar question I asked a while back --I found the accepted answer, by @Amadeus , very helpful.)

"Would you like..." she began, as she fumbled in the pocket of her rough, homespun dress.
In those few seconds as I waited in anticipation of her next words, I mentally filled in my own answers. "A million dollars?" Of course I would. "My heart?" Well, we hardly knew each other well enough for that. "A piece of hard candy?" It seemed appropriate enough to the dress, but although she was attired like someone's farm-dwelling grandmother, she wasn't anywhere near old enough to start filling her pockets with candies.
Of course, it was none of these. Out of the old-timey pocket came a perfectly modern smartphone, and she finished the sentence as she called up her app. "Would you like to donate to my Kickstarter?"
I sighed and nodded as my heart sank. "What are your donation levels?"

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