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Topic : Re: Is concurrent first person / third person usage absolutely unacceptable? Background: My understanding about first person / third person is this: choose a voice and maintain it throughout the piece. -

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In writing nothing is absolutely unacceptable. Absolutely nothing.

You can switch your POV as often as you wish. But if you want that your readers can follow you, it should be comprehensible, or let us say traceable, for them.

So you have to read your text with the eyes of your audience (or find test readers). The problem with your first sentence:

ABC is in the process of expanding our monitoring and evaluation plan.

That sounds like there is a company ABC out there, which helps you and your company (let's call it XYZ) to expand your evaluation plan. But if I understand you correctly, then ABC and XYZ are one and the same company. Don't confuse your readers (in this case me; I really hate that).

In your second sentence the relation is more obvious to me. That "ours" refers to "ABC" looks like the most logic interpretation. So go with it if you like.

All that said, I guess that keeping the right POV is more crucial in fiction writing than in marketing stuff. I could be wrong, because I try to ignore marketing stuff (Yeah, shame on me).

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