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Topic : Re: How should I handle amnesia-based plot threads? (interesting vs cliché) I'm writing for an amnesiac protagonist, in spite of the fact that I feel amnesia in fiction is usually a bad cliché -

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The challenge of the day is to rename your magical process as 'memory erasing' and the person affected as 'memory cleansed' or 'memoryless' (or variations thereof). No more worries about amnesia, especially if you don't want to provide any realism, nor portray it to any degree of accuracy.

As a side note, an Italian friend once mentioned that in Italian there is a distinction between two kinds of forgetting: from the mind and from the heart. My knowledge of English does not get far enough that I can say whether such a nuance exists. However, for reference: dimenticare (from the mind) and scordare (from the heart). Perhaps you can find an inspiration for a good magical terminology that can discern between forgetting the (recent) past, but not being oblivious to one's own physical skills.

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