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Topic : Re: Don't look at what I did there This question is about hiding from the reader the fact that I am skipping some steps. Worse, perhaps, I don't want to show them, and I may have no clue or -

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You could deliberately jump two page numbers in the numberings of the book. You noticed yourself smart readers are going to know. So embrace it. Maybe print a little gliph or 242… then next page is …245. And then literally start and stop mid-sentence. It's going to be jarring but make it obvious that as a plot device, the reader has to mentally assume what might have happened on the "missing pages". Then they will think it is possibly a novel and interesting twist. This may help you write it as well because you can make sure the "what happened" part fits well on the missing section and then keep them for your reference and pull them out for beta-readers.

Maybe later those characters have a flash back to or remind someone of part of the story to make the reader have to structurally realign their assumptions to new information.

EDIT: I just remembered what made me think of this. Chuck Palahniuk numbered the pages and chapters backward in the book Survivor. It's not as jarring as what I described but still interesting.

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