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Topic : Re: How to eliminate standoff between "Lengthy" vs "Concision"? Often while writing a software requirement/change-request documentation, I need to include the quoted requirements descriptively, the impacted -

10% popularity

It sounds like there may be more than one audience for your documentation, and the struggle you're having is trying to optimize your output(s) to appease as many as possible. Furthermore, it sounds like you know this is the issue, since you have tried differing strategies to reach those goals.

To tackle the stand-off you might just have to be willing to cut the Gordian knot: stop trying please everyone. It's just not a good use of your time and talents.

An executive summary has its place. An overview of changes and their relations to the road-map are necessary for team effort to be optimized. But at a certain point you are throwing effort into a job that the reader themselves should be doing. (Taking a big step back: If you are required to output volumes of documentation that no-one reads because they don't have time to do so, then this is a management issue.)

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