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Topic : How can I make it so that my story isn't resolved so easily? I'm writing a screenplay for a project in my film studies class and I'm close to resolving the conflict, but as I near the end, -

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I'm writing a screenplay for a project in my film studies class and I'm close to resolving the conflict, but as I near the end, it feels like it's being resolved far too easily. In summary, the storyline is based on a rule we have at our school (we are required to put our phones in a caddy during class); The protagonists all have something bad happen to them because they are without their phones, and they call a lawyer to convince the principal to allow students to keep their phones. In an easy ending to this, the principal just simply agrees to give the phones back, but I want it to be a little more complicated, like the lawyer has to trick the principal or something in order to complete the objective. Does anyone have any ideas to help me out?

Here is the full script so far:

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