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Topic : Re: How to write intercut scenes in a novel? I wish to write an intercut scene for a novel, where two very contrasting things are happening at the same time. The technique works really well on -

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I do this all the time, and I tend to use short chapters that will contain one scene and break to the next chapter when done OR I will use a line break (either a center justified triple asterisk (***) or a long line (in word typing "---" and hitting enter will draw a line between text, though it doesn't translate well to other systems).

Another technique I use is a combined Third Person perspective with a first person perspective that allows for some cross-over of dialog as my third person is limited only to actions and events in scene, while my first person is limited to only internal monologs of my lead character. I write both separately, with the events of the scene (third person) being written first and the first person being written second to compliment the leads actions (I italicize the First Person narration so it's distinct in text and thus read differently.). The first person only is depicted for scenes with the character present, while the third follows any character I require (so if the villains meet, there is no First person as the hero cannot provide internal monolog as he/she isn't privy to this part of the story). The one exception is that a first person may overlay to monolog the character's thoughts on what he/she thinks is happening in the scene vs. what is actually happening (if the first person is thinking about how honorable a secondary character is, they may take that monolog into the next scene, where the reader witnesses the same character rob a woman while out of the Main's view.

In addition, I have a soft spot for dialogs that "answer" to another scene's dialog. I see it used in Archer a lot, where in two scenes, characters will be having seperate conversations and the scenes transition at points where the last line of dialog in the first scene and first line of dialog in the next scene would be natural dialog responses. So if characters Alice and Bob are in a seperate conversation in a separate (but near simultaneous occurring) scene to Charlie and Dave, who are also conversing, Alice will end the scene with a dialog line, and Charlie will begin the next scene with a line of dialog that would be natural for Bob to say to Alice if the scene continues.

When doing this, however, it is important to not repeate actions. If a bomb goes off in the cliffhanger of the A scene, the B scene will start with the immediate reaction to the blast, not a replay of the boom.

As a general rule, I do not like ending chapters when the next chapter will feature the same perspective character. If I end an Alice scene, I will not start with a second alice scene, unless there is no other way to transition. Scenes should change when you either flip a perspective or significantly alter the setting (change from day to night, change from by the docks to at the mall in the burbs) or for dramatic effect (the bomb has gone off, cliff hanger as the masked man show's his face, or the villain and hero are done banter and moving to the final showdown).

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