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Topic : Re: How can I have a character introduce themselves as humble without making them seem arrogant? Two people are dating, and one of them wants to tell the other they are humble, which they genuinely -

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A humble person doesn't not come out and say, "I am humble"

It is like being a successful person.

When you are only good at something, you tell everyone how great you are. When you are actually great, everyone tells everyone else how good you are.

If you are humble, you would never advertise it.

In fact, if you are humble, you would never really know you are humble.. because being humble is just a part of who you are.

And you can't rush showing humility, in life, or in fiction.

It is a quality that takes a long time to reveal.

PS. A person who I can see coming out and telling the world how humble he is, is our current President. "Let me tell you, no one is more humble than me. I am tremendously humble. Just tremendously humble.. I don't like to say it. But believe me, I am more humble than anyone."

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