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Topic : Re: Changing POV style mid-story I'm writing a story that is told by the main character. The idea is that at some point, he decides that what has happened merits documenting, so he's telling part -

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It's not particularly difficult. Tense is a tool feared by too many aspiring writers.

What you appear to be asking can be seen in Forrest Gump (film).

I am sitting on a bench waiting for a bus (present). Whilst I'm waiting I will relay to anybody who wishes to listen events that led me to this point in my life (still present).

My momma was . . . (past).

And that's all I have to say about that. (present).

Jenny was the sweetest thing I'd ever seen. Me and her was like peas and carrots . . . (past).

And that's all I have to say about that. Blah, blah, blah . . . (present).

Bubba was my best good friend . . . (past).

This is format for the story until shortly after the midpoint. All scenes where he's sitting on the bench are in present tense. Until he discovers he can walk to his destination. At this point there's a reset, a narrative, and the clock starts. The moment he leaves the bench, events that occurred on the bench are now in the past. It's clever in a simple way: the story is told in a combination past and present tense within a past tense framework. He's going to meet Jenny (present tense according to his narrative tense) but according to the overall story tense - this is in the past (Jenny died of aids).

The art of writing is this way is that you have to do it well - nobody will notice your genius unless they analyse it.

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