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Topic : Re: Am I too prepared to do NaNoWriMo? I've been wanting to do NaNoWriMo for years and finally decided that this year will be the one. But I already have extensive notes and a plot outline, and -

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To counter the other answers (although I still believe they make some excellent points) I think there's something to consider here as an opportunity. Most other writers I encounter, not all but a good proportion, have the work in their mind; that one piece they're backing to reach whichever heady heights they're aiming for.

All the other writers, myself included, have "too many ideas, not enough time" syndrome. Generally speaking the writers in this latter category are the ones most comfortable with being writers and doing new projects. The writers in the former category can enjoy great success but they often find they struggle with the actual writing part.

If you are wondering if putting all your eggs in a basket this year is wise maybe it's not. Maybe it would take the pressure off you altogether to just run at it without a real plan and get something completely different done. Plus, when you succeed, you will feel that the investment in your current work isn't a burden, it's just a really good start. You'll be confident that even if your epic fantasy doesn't work out you'll have a fallback project and another and another.

At the very least you'll discover what kind of writer you are. Like I say writers who only ever really feel comfortable with the one massive project still have the potential to be successful writers.

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