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Topic : Re: Questionable behavior by editor Last year, I worked for an organization that published a weekly blog on its website. The blog was also published as a newspaper column and was included in a -

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Your question is pure gold! Based on the information you have provided - you have no recourse. (Especially as you were employed and therefore remunerated).

The beauty of your question is that you have posted it on a site that allows editing of your work by "anybody".

I could edit your original question to say, "Donald Trump ate my Chihuahua - is that legal?"

The question would still have your name attached to it - who knew?

In the 'real world' authors are required to 'sign off' on edits for legal reasons. In this instance, should Trump sue you because it wasn't a Chihuahua - it was a Gerbil and it didn't belong to you, you would have no defence as you approved the final copy.

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