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Topic : Re: I'm trying to write a blog about future tech and science - where can I find ideas? I watch Isaac Arthur and John Michael Godier; I’m looking for a site to help me write an online blog, -

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I would also look into searches for terms like "Emerging Technology", "Near Future", and "Futurism/Futurist". That said, if this is for fiction, you should develop tech trends in your own world and then have a consistent explanation. For example, in one near future sci-fi, I had a planned EPCOT style city (the theme park was intended by Walt to be a functional city, but got scaled back after his death) and the dominant form of entertainment had moved into Augmented Reality. Gamers were now seen wearing AR glasses and were more physically active than we think (and this was in development before Pokemon Go became a big name success for AR Gaming... at the time, Google Glass was being hyped... and that did not pan out.), but AR was also seen for more mundane uses... most of the dashboard information on the cars were now displayed on the windshield as AR displays and cops behind the one way glass in interrogations could pull up a suspects rap sheet through AR projections on their window.

Fictional Near-Future Scifi is less about the technology as it is exploring the society once the technology becomes commercially affordable so the common man can interact with it. The trick here is to follow how tech trends enter the public. It might be critical to look at historical game changing techs as well as fad techs. Getting a good look into the 90s when this new thing called "the Internet" entered peoples lives. The 80s are a good tech boom period as well as personal computers were starting to become a thing. One thing I had in background notes for my AR is that of course there are a lot of applications for AR Porn because both the VCR and many internet innovations were done because it could make Porn more available (the VCR was the winner over the better quality Beta Max because the later refused to allow Porn on the system. Encryption of Credit Card information that made online shopping possible was the result of people not wanting their credit card info to get out to anyone when porn sites were hacked.).

For a good series, check out Joss Whedon's tv series "Dollhouse" which was made with late 2000s asthetic in mind and took a simple premise of programmable people and rapidly upped the ethics of the technology on a society that wasn't ready for it, from the user's lack of understanding of what they were doing to the unseen benefits, to first adoption (as is want, the titular organization is the first commercial use of this innovation... and it's more than once likened to a high end brothle. Though that aspect is rarely seen as the episodes mostly feature clients who see other potential uses.).

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