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Topic : Re: Finding the right insults As a non-native Anglophone, it can be a bit more of a challenge to do creative writing in English. Thesauri have helped me a lot, improving sentences like "Sokka caught -

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You seem to be going about this in a writer-centric fashion - which is probably not the best way forward.

The majority of characterisation is achieved through language and behaviour. "What kind of person would have used that language?"

English Language usage is dependent on exposure and experience as opposed to locale. I can assure you 'Dunce' is not particularly American - just very dated. 'Dolt' is archaic public school British. Most of your examples are dated.

Radio waves travel faster than word of mouth, hence, every European understands every US derogatory term.

A thesaurus cannot help you with modern spoken language as the evolution of slang is rapid. I have used terms such as 'Slapper' and 'Hood-rat' in place of 'slut' to the confusion of many readers.

A native Londoner may describe a character as a 'wrong'un' where as a native New Yorker would describe him a 'loser'. American losers are British 'plebs', minions, to the movers and shakers.

Try the Urban Dictionary.

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