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Topic : Re: How to use the phrase 'by my undertanding' in a formal essay? Or it is formal already? Is it appropriate to use phrases such as "by my understanding" in a formal setting? If I can't, please -

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Typically you don't include any first person pronouns (such as "my") in formal essays. So instead of saying

x is true by my understanding.

you would say something like,

It appears x is true.

Or instead of appears, there are the words: surmise, deduce, conclude, etc. You would use these in the passive form, however, to eliminate the need for a first person pronoun. "It was surmised that..." instead of "I surmised that..." etc.

Also I would suggest to be careful about stating something in a formal essay that you're not ready to back up, or substantiate with a convincing argument. I wouldn't simply say, in general terms, that you understand something to be true. I would give reasons or examples for why it is true.

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