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Topic : Re: How do I make a dialogue tag for a man speaking to someone behind himself Currently I have a very uncomfortable sentence: '#####' announced Graham behind himself, turning his head away as -

10% popularity

I would suggest that using "Said" and then describing Graham's position relative to the person he is speaking too and his actions while speaking (did he look back at the other person of his shoulder? Or not bother to look at the other person at all).

One being "Behind oneself" is typically impossible ), as I can't occupy a space that is behind my own back (Unless Graham can be in two places at once such as using time travel so that a young!Graham and old!Graham are speaking to each other. You should either address this by postion (said to those behind him) or (said, keeping his back turned to the rest). Being "Besides oneself" is a turn of phrase for an emotional state, not a physical arrangement of anything in a physical space.

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