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Topic : Re: Co-author Trouble So, I was writing a book with my best friend, and half way through - at 70,000 words - she decides she doesn't want to write the book anymore; but I still can. And we -

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The others advising you sound pretty spot on she can technically sue. Or you could technically offer her a deal in writing (Which she can counter a deal to you as well) either way you will need a contract in writing maybe even notarize it.

If she wants future royalties what is it 50/50 or 60/40? She has to agree this is ok or counter and you agree, but also is she giving up rights to media opportunities, product sales, ect?

If you pay her for her labor and then she is willing to allow you to have full rights and wave her own over the project with or without a co-author or maybe even mentor status credit you need paper work for all of that.

Some ghost writers are included onto novels others are not you might want to see how they do that if you pay her for her labor she may fall into ghost writer status now and will she have a non disclosure agreement?

Contacting a lawyer would be best if you want to keep her contributions to the work because she still has intellectual property rights as well as you do also will this dissolvement of your writing partnership also mean she can't write her own world based on this material? Or do you only get to write this one novel with the co-created content and nothing else? You want the universe, lore, marketing, product, royalties, ect laid out as to what can and can't be done with it and by whom but you are also willing to have any lawsuits, complaints filed about the book targeted at you, and you are also letting her know you are responsible for fees for publishing, doing cons for promotions (whatever) and other things not her she is cleared of financially assisting in the products, websites, whatever.

A lawyer can help you figure out all the points if you miss something (or they do) that loop hole leaves you open if something good turns on your book for her to come back in with lawyers of her own for services or fees or royalties. You can't make her come back and she may never want to try to get any future monies or deals from this book but unfortunately its something that has to be contract specified now to avoid any misunderstandings or expectations down the line.

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