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Topic : Re: What's the rule on revealing something to the audience, but not the characters? This is a common problem I have writing fantasy. Most of the trouble comes from revealing a monster, but for -

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Well, this is something that I have a bit of experience in, being the GM of a fantasy RPG, Pathfinder. It's all about player (or reader) and character knowledge. For example, I may give my players an enchanted sword, but I might give it to them like this.

"You pry the blade out of the beasts' hands, with the blood of your fallen comrade still fresh on it. As you grip it, you feel a slight rush of power flow from it to you."

It's only a +1 blade, but I made it seem like it was a very powerful artifact (Which, at level 1-5, was not at all happening.)

Regardless, back to your question, here's a few options.

First off, you don't. You don't have to introduce the monster. Sometimes, it's more impactful not to, particularly if it's an extremely powerful creature at that stage (Think, facing a minotaur at 1st level. I've only had one party survive, only due to some divine (GM) intervention.)

Second, you could do as the person above me said, and describe in detail the monster or enemy they are facing. This gives a sense of suspense as the characters and the readers realize "Oh, s***, it's a minotaur! Run!"

Third, if at all possible, vaguely describe the monster. This is particularly effective for undead and other similar enemies. I've once disguised a succubus as an innocent farm girl, only to have one of the characters unlock the secret with the victim's body inside. They hated me for that, but I had a wicked laugh. Sometimes, it pays to be evil.

Hope that was useful!

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