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Topic : Re: How can you be "faithful" to a mythology without adapting its value system? Following my sword and sorcery questions, I remembered I actually used to watch one and actually enjoyed it, despite -

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You appear to be only reading half the subtext of the myth of the minotaur:

As the Minotaur grew, he became ferocious, and devoured human flesh for sustenance. We then have 2 scenarios:

If the Minotaur was a dumb, mindless beast, then any meat would do - eating a human once or twice would be no "worse" than a lion doing so. Once penned in the labyrinth, it could be fed a diet of meat, much like the hunting dogs. Killing it is then putting down a dangerous animal, in self defence.

The other option is that the Minotaur is an intelligent being, and that the preference for eating human flesh is a deliberate act. In which case, this is no longer "punishment for something beyond his control", but the actions of a cannibalistic psychopath, who refuses to accept that eating humans is wrong.

And, in either case, the Minotaur is being used as a cruel method of execution by King Minos

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