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Topic : Re: How to write English in Merlin (TV Series) style? I find the writing style of the show Merlin to be very good, and much better than current/modern English usage. Details about the show can -

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This is a speech. Uther, whatever his other faults, does give good speech, but so do many modern English speakers.

If you want all your characters to speak in speechese — long-winded, complex, winding sentences; occasionally inverted grammar; archaic phrasing; drums and trumpets under every applause line — it will read very prettily, but it won't sound realistic. It's up to you if that's the effect you want.

Read through a few Tolkien books. If they sound like ear candy, go for it. If it takes you three or four tries to get through a sentence... leave the speechese for the speeches, and have your dialogue sound more like people talking than people orating.

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