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Topic : Re: How would a god-like character react to losing their godhood? A character in my book is a (small g) goddess, who has limited knowledge of all her worshippers and the natural world. She and -

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the tenets of this goddess are:

To be the light in the all-consuming dark.
To study until your skills are unmatched.
To seek the arcane powers for the safety of the realm.
To protect the innocent and take power from those unworthy
To be ready to sacrifice yourself for the greater good.

I don't see a conflict with her suddenly becoming human – she would continue to be the same person with the same values and goals. She would be naive and inexperienced, but her value system would still hold. She will see injustice and feel the urge to protect the innocent. She'll be a light in the darkness, and there will be many new skills to learn.

She actually sounds a little too perfect, so you may need to put more obstacles in her way – plopping her down in a part of the world where the innocent are universally mistreated by ignorant tyrants. The injustice might be overwhelming to the point she questions her beliefs.

The one tenet that will get her in trouble is the self-sacrificing part, here such things are permanent. This might make an interesting plot point. If the god rulebook forbids deicide, a clever enemy might expect her to self-sacrifice herself right out of existence – bonus points if that enemy's tenets say self-sacrifice is a character flaw (a god of accumulating wealth, for instance).

Her new circumstances will test her resolve. It will force her to experience her own tenets in a directly personal way, but there's no reason for her to suddenly become a different personality unless these values were false or shallow to begin with.

The situation seems like an opportunity to connect with her mortal followers who share her values. This would actually be an empowering change to the realm of the backstabbing gods (a 'home' she did not choose for herself, and where her tenets are just abstract words). After an adjustment period as a fish-out-of-water, she might be happier among like-minded humans, seeing with her own eyes how her tenets are applied in practical ways. Gods don't need to collect esoteric knowledge or ponder their usefulness, purpose, and life goals. Her human devotees have already committed to many of her own ideals and they would welcome her as one of their own – whether or not they knew she was their deity. She would find a home in her own temples without being worshiped.

Contrast with a goddess of blinding beauty who has suddenly become ordinary, or a ruthless god of war who finds himself mortal and defenseless. These other gods would have a much harder adjustment. They would likely be rejected by their own worshipers, leading to a crisis of faith with their own tenets. They might even vow revenge on their own followers once they've been restored to power.

You mention another god is demoted at the same time. They could serve as a foil to your MC's experience when their tenets work against them in the mortal world. Your goddess might eventually feel conflicted that restoring this fellow god – a friend and ally in the battle – would be terrible for the human world.

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