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Topic : Re: How do I write characters that aren't just a copy of myself? I am finding it difficult to create fictional characters with personalities that are not a copy of myself. I'm having trouble trying -

10% popularity

Think about other people that you know, and how they would react in a certain situation. Think about memories that you have of things that have happened to them, and how they have acted. Consider characters from movies and TV shows that you have watched, and jot down some notes on how they reacted to situations, and classify their personalities based on their separate characteristics. For example, how did person X react when person Y broke up with them? Were they understanding, explosive, devastated, etc. Why do you think they reacted the way they did? If they had a different personality, would they have reacted differently?

Also, perhaps you could visit a personality site such as It might help you to understand the different personality types, and how they act or react in everyday life.

Another tip: Be consistent with personality types with your characters. If you want to create realistic characters, your readers should find themselves thinking "That sounds like something Joe would do/say." You do NOT want to have your characters do or say something that does not fit with how you have portrayed them elsewhere.

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